Band and music are valuable. “Music education develops unique, powerful, and multiple ways of perceiving, interpreting, knowing, representing, and communicating understanding about self and the world. Through music experiences, students have opportunities to think creatively, explore ideas and feelings, and develop emerging personal, cultural, and social identity. Music has the potential to promote responsibility and leadership and to prepare and inspire future citizens of the world to understand and address the most critical challenges of their times” (Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 8 music: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes, page 6).

Band (music) is divided into four components: language and performance skills, creative expression in music, understanding music in context, and valuing musical experience. In language and performance skills students are expected to learn how to play their instrument with good intonation, and increasing accuracy and musical expression. Students learn to play in different time signatures, and playing increasing complex melodies. At Christ the King students develop these skills in band class, and during the 90 minutes per cycle private practice time (done at home). This practice time is 25% of the student’s band grade.

Creative expression in music is about students interpreting, performing and sharing other’s music. Students rehearse their music at home, and in band class. As students develop they are expected to play more musically and expressively. At Christ the King School students learn these concepts at school and 40% of their mark is based on in school performance.

Understanding music in context teaches students about music from various times and places. At Christ the King School we use Essential Elements 2000 which incorporates music throughout the ages – from Mozart, to Tchaikovsky, to Rock, and Greensleeves.

Valuing Musical Experiences in band is about students learning to engage consistently and constructively in music learning experiences. At Christ the King students are expected to bring their instrument, music, (and a pencil) to every band class and contribute positively to the class which earns them 25% towards their total band mark.

10% of the band grade is allotted to attending and performing in the school band concerts which include both in school and out of school performances. 

Mr. Dominic Gawron

Band Director

Classroom Teacher’s Wiki/Blog

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