Welcome to Grade 5! My name is Mrs. Grantham and I have been teaching Grade 5 at Christ the King School for the past 5 years. Grade 5 is a fun year filled with many exciting projects and events.
Here are some of the topics we will be covering in Grade 5:
English Language Arts: The Language Arts program encompasses several aspects such as spelling, grammar, vocabulary study, T.U.S.C. (Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club), creative writing, journaling, reading responses, book reports, novel studies, poetry, paragraph writing and independent reading.
Math: Whole Numbers to 1 000 000, estimation, multiplication up to 4 digits by 3 digits, division up to 3 digits by 2 digits, addition and subtraction of decimals, fractions, mental math strategies, graphing, probability, geometry, measurement, patterns and equations
Science: Maintaining a Healthy Body, Forces & Simple Machines, Weather, Properties of and Changes in Substances
Social Studies: We will be using a textbook titled People & Stories of Canada to 1867. The textbook is divided into 4 parts: First Peoples, Early European Colonization (1600-1763), The Fur Trade and From British Colony to Confederation (1763-1867)
Art – We will be studying the 6 major elements of art: line, color, texture, shape, form and space using different mediums such as pastels, paint, clay, glue , etc. Students will explore different art forms and styles.
Religion – Students will be following the Sadlier We Believe: We Meet Jesus in the Sacraments series. We study the seven sacraments, with a main focus on Confirmation.
Health – Students will learn about developing friendship & positive relationships, self-image, responsibility, appreciating diversity, managing emotions and conflict. They will also learn about healthy lifestyle practices such as avoiding substance use and abuse, changes associated with puberty and healthy decisions related to reproductive health.
Classroom Teacher’s Wiki/Blog
When clicking the following link, you will have access to the classroom teacher’s wiki/blog. The purpose of the wiki/blog is to gain insight into what content is being taught in the classroom, access to uploaded homework assignments, helpful student resources, studying materials, and communication with the teacher through daily to weekly blog posts. The teachers update their wiki/blog sites on a regular basis. This is a very beneficial resource for both the parent and student when it comes to staying organized and maintaining successful classroom performance.