My name is Gretzel Marcaida and I am filling in as the grade 4 teacher at Christ the King School while Maria Emslie is on her maternity leave. I love grade 4! It’s a fun and challenging year with hands-on projects, daily homework and learning to reference the Bible. Grade 4 also brings in some exciting changes for the students – having their classroom upstairs with the “big kids” and getting to use lockers!
We follow the Manitoba Curriculum in teaching all the subjects throughout the year. In ELA, we work on spelling, grammar, novel studies, literature circles, guided reading, writing using the Six + One Writing Traits and TUSC (Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club). Throughout the year in Math, we cover whole numbers, multiplication and division facts, patterns and equations, measurement, fractions and decimals, geometry and data analysis. In Science, we study Light, Sound, Habitats, as well as Rocks, Minerals & Erosion. For Social Studies, we learn a lot about where we live and cover Geography of Canada, Living in Canada, Living in Manitoba, The History of Manitoba and Canada’s North.
As a Catholic school, students take part in school masses and have Religion classes. We follow the program and text, We Believe: God’s Law Guides Us. We cover four major units which include Growing in Jesus Christ, The Commandments Help Us to Love God, The Commandments Help Us to Love Others, and We Are Called to Holiness. This year, students also learn to use the Bible to find scriptures.
Classroom Teacher’s Wiki/Blog
When clicking the following link, you will have access to the classroom teacher’s wiki/blog. The purpose of the wiki/blog is to gain insight into what content is being taught in the classroom, access to uploaded homework assignments, helpful student resources, studying materials, and communication with the teacher through daily to weekly blog posts. The teachers update their wiki/blog sites on a regular basis. This is a very beneficial resource for both the parent and student when it comes to staying organized and maintaining successful classroom performance.